Tuesday 8 December 2015

Potential essay questions

J Peck and A Coyle state within Literary Terms and Criticisms ‘A crude Marxist might simply dismiss all literature as a bourgeois luxury in which middle-class authors write about their middle-class problems’.

To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to Angela Carter’s A Bloody Chamber?


Pierre Macherey ‘stresses the gaps in a text, arguing that the reader can see what the text is hiding from itself’.

Using ideas from your critical anthology and Philip Larkin’s Whitsun Weddings collection of poems, to what extent do you agree with this view?


Larkin has been criticised of being "The Poet of Dirty Words" (Bert, Stephen May 2004) as he is concise in his language choice and depicts the miserable plight of the modern man.

Using ideas from your critical anthology and Philip Larkin’s Whitsun Weddings collection of poems, to what extent do you agree with this view?

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